Ten writers for children. All with something to say.


Incognito for Halloween

This round of posts we ten potatoes disguise ourselves as favorite characters from children's books. I knew immediately which character I would choose; I've been pretending to be her since I was ten!

When our fifth grade teacher read aloud Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh, every girl in class wanted to be Harriet. That was when my best friend, her sister, and I started our own detective agency. We chose a secluded meeting place in Leslie's house, reached through the trap door in the floor of her sister Ashley's bedroom closet. After whispering the secret password—which I still will not divulge even if you tickle or torture me—we descended underground to meet in the basement. Flashlights revealed vital statistics and thumbprints on the ID cards we created. In hushed voices we discussed espionage. Like Harriet we kept confidential notebooks documenting our observations and any conspicuous activity.

We traveled the neighborhood on bicycles wearing disguises. I flipped the long hair from my back, up over my head, and down my forehead, like bangs, then held the hair in place with a sombrero I found in Leslie's dress-up box. On Halloween keep your eyes open for a middle-aged woman on a bicycle wearing a sombrero. You might not see me; I learned early how to make myself invisible. But I will see you, and I will be taking notes.


Edie Hemingway said...

I love this, Christy! And on Halloween night will be looking for that woman on a bicycle wearing a sombrero, even if I don't live near you in California!

Lauren said...

Wonderful post Christy! I love the image of that woman wearing a sombrero with her hair flipped forward to make bangs. I also love that you won't divulge your secret password to this day-- a true sign of a good spy!

David LaRochelle said...

Isn't it great that some books can resonate so strongly with us? I love picturing you as child climbing through the trap door to your secret agents' meeting! And if you see Encyclopedia Brown this Halloween, tell him "hello" from me.

Stephanie said...

I adored Harriet the Spy!

mark said...

We've been warned!! It's funny that you mention 5th grade being when you started your own detective agency; it was during 5th grade that I wrote to Donald Sobol as part of a class project to write to favorite authors. He responded with a letter and a sticker that read "America's Sherlock Holmes in Sneakers," the motto for Encyclopedia Brown. I recall to this day the thrill I got from that letter/sticker. And then, yes, my best friend Jack and I "opened" our own detective "business"....