Ten writers for children. All with something to say.


What am I reading now?

When I asked myself the question "What am I reading now?" I had to think about it. I've been on planes a lot the past month, and I've read a few books. I'm halfway through my latest "airplane book", but I still had to stop and think about what it was, which is never a good thing. So that book shall remain nameless and, perhaps, unfinished as I'm now back at home and have things to do. My "airplane book" from last week though, that one is worth talking about because I loved it.

I've been on the waiting list for this one at the library for a long time, but last week I was headed to Houston. I grabbed a book off my shelf to read on the plane, but when I pulled it out while flying from Boise to Salt Lake City, I realized I'd read it before and it wasn't that great the first time. So when I got to the SLC airport, I went into a bookstore looking for a book. And finally gave in and bought The Help. I loved it. And I can't wait for the movie.


Lauren said...

I loved The Help-- didn't know it was going to be a movie!? Airplane books are definitely a certain genre aren't they? Almost like summer reading- I look for thought provoking, yet simple plotted page-turners.
By the way, I leave on a road trip tomorrow to pick up Ruby from Oberlin and I checked The Gardener audiobook out of the library for the ride! Can't wait!!

Stephanie said...

Oh I hope you like it! I haven't listened to it. And yay to picking up the college kid. Mine came home Saturday:)

Edie Hemingway said...

I loved, THE HELP, too, Stephanie! It's one I bought to read on my Kindle when I was traveling and now wish I had the actual book because it's hard to go back and look at specific pages in a Kindle.

betsy woods said...

I read this one with my bookclub. Wonderful story.

David LaRochelle said...

This was a favorite of mine as well. I was on the library waiting list and began the book, but didn't finish it before its two-week due date, so I had to wait another couple months before I made it to the head of the waiting list again to finish.